Frase educativa.

Todo lo que has aprendido es inútil si no lo usas, y estéril si no lo compartes.”. Gerardo Varela.
"Educar no es otra cosa que enseñar a dudar". Ortega y Gasset.
“Dime y lo olvido, enséñame y lo recuerdo, involúcrame y lo aprendo". Benjamín Franklin”

lunes, 3 de diciembre de 2018

The 4 Adult Learning Elements You Should Include in Your eLearning Courses

Adult Learning highlights that adult learners are fundamentally different in their methods of learning in comparison with children. As an L&D professional, you need to understand these differences and figure out the best ways to apply them to meet your learner's needs.
With adult learners, you will encounter unique expectations, demands, and challenges. The key is to accommodate to these and design training and eLearning courses in a manner that is most effective and engaging for them.

Atención (aprovechar la ciencia del cerebro) – Generación (aprendizaje autodirigido y transformador) – Emoción (porque crea recuerdos) – Repetición espaciada (para mejorar la retención).


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